Posted in Learning

What is Electricity?

Electrical Principles: What is Electricity?#electricity #electrons #electrones #electromagnets #electromagnetism #magnets #starter #starting #wave #waveform #alternator #phase #phases #windings #winding #connections…

Difference between motor and generator
Posted in Learning

Difference between motor and generator

Generator and Motor are two distinct gadgets with various applications. A generator is a more extensive term used to characterize…

Posted in Components Learning


Light Emitting Diodes or simply LED´s, are among the most widely used of all the different types of semiconductor diodes…

Zener Diode
Posted in Components Learning

Zener Diode

A Semiconductor Diode blocks current in the reverse direction, but will suffer from premature breakdown or damage if the reverse…

Full Wave Rectifier
Posted in Learning

Full Wave Rectifier

Power Diodes can be connected together to form a full wave rectifier that convert AC voltage into pulsating DC voltage…

Resistors in AC Circuits
Posted in Components Learning

Resistors in AC Circuits

Resistors can also be used in Alternating Current supplies where the voltages, currents, and power being consumed are given in…

Resistor Power Rating
Posted in Components Learning

Resistor Power Rating

Electrical Power is absorbed by a resistance as it is the product of voltage and current with some resistances converting…

Potential Difference
Posted in Components Learning

Potential Difference

The voltage difference between any two points in a circuit is known as Potential Difference and it is this potential…

Flashing lights schemitc
Posted in Schematic

Flashing Lights

This application of the well-known Type 555 timer is intended for model railway enthusiasts wishing to construct a two-lamp flashing…