Author: admin
IoT-Based Distribution Transformer Condition Monitoring System
The proposed IoT-based distribution transformer condition monitoring system enables real-time monitoring of distribution transformers, identifying such deviations as overload conditions…
What is Electricity?
Electrical Principles: What is Electricity?#electricity #electrons #electrones #electromagnets #electromagnetism #magnets #starter #starting #wave #waveform #alternator #phase #phases #windings #winding #connections…
Pulse Width Modulation
What is Pulse-width Modulation? Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a fancy term for describing a type of digital signal. Pulse…
Touchless capacitive switch
This post describes a circuit that has a capacitive input sensor and a switching transistor at the output PNP. When…
White LED Lamp
Nowadays you can buy white LEDs, which emit quite a bit oflight. They are so bright that you shouldn’t look…
The Basics of Power Conversion and the New Film Capacitors
As electronic circuits evolve and advance, the demand for stable components capable of handling more power in extreme environments increases….
Shutting Down Safely with Capacitors
The primary job of a capacitor is to store charge and later to release that charge for another part of…
The decibel is the base-10 logarithm ratio used to express an increase or decrease in power, voltage, or current in…
Speed checker
While driving on highways, motorists should not exceed the maximum speed limitpermitted for their vehicles. However, accidents keep occurring due…
Band Stop Filter
A band Stop Filter known also as a Notch Filter, blocks and rejects frequencies that lie between its two cut-off…
State Variable Filter
The state variable filter is a type of multiple-feedback filter circuit that can produce all three filter responses, Low Pass,…
Second Order Filters
Second Order (or two-pole) Filters consist of two RC filter sections connected together to provide a -40dB/decade roll-off rate. Second…
Butterworth Filter Design
In the previous filter tutorials we looked at simple first-order type low and high pass filters that contain only one…
Active Band Pass Filter
The principal characteristic of a Band Pass Filter or any filter for that matter is its ability to pass frequencies…
Active High Pass Filter
An Active High Pass Filter can be created by combining a passive RC filter network with an operational amplifier to…
Active Low Pass Filter
By combining a basic RC Low Pass Filter circuit with an operational amplifier we can create an Active Low Pass…
Passive Band Pass Filter
Passive Band Pass Filters can be made by connecting together a low pass filter with a high pass filter. Band…
Passive High Pass Filter
A High Pass Filter is the exact opposite to the low pass filter circuit as the two components have been…
Passive Low Pass Filter
A Low Pass Filter is a circuit that can be designed to modify, reshape or reject all unwanted high frequencies…
Capacitive Reactance
Capacitive Reactance is the complex impedance of a capacitor who’s value changes with respect to the applied frequency. In the…
Capacitor Characteristics
The characteristics of a capacitors define its temperature, voltage rating and capacitance range as well as its use in a…
Difference between motor and generator
Generator and Motor are two distinct gadgets with various applications. A generator is a more extensive term used to characterize…
Solar Power Plant – Main Components, Working, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Knowing the way that petroleum products are not going to keep going forever, the sun-oriented power age is by all…
Difference Between Contactor and Relay
What Makes Contactors Different from Relays? The course book definitions are sufficiently comparable it doesn’t generally encourage us. Both play…
The Difference Between MCB & MCCB
The Difference Between MCB & MCCB? 1- Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) : …
Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)
Air Circuit Breaker This circuit breaker will work noticeably all around; the extinguishing medium is an Arc at the climatic…
Phase Splitter
A phase splitter circuit produces two output signals that are equal in amplitude but opposite in phase from each other…
Frequency Response
Frequency Response of an amplifier or filter shows how the gain of the output responds to input signals at different…
Amplifier Classes
Amplifiers are classified into classes according to their construction and operating characteristics. Not all amplifiers are the same and there…
Class AB Amplifier
Class AB amplifier output stage combines the advantages of the Class A amplifier and the Class B amplifier producing a…
Crossover Distortion in Amplifiers
Crossover Distortion is a common feature of Class-B amplifiers where the non-linearities of the two switching transistors do not vary…
Class B Amplifier
Class-B Amplifiers use two or more transistors biased in such a way so that each transistor only conducts during one…
Class A Amplifier
Common emitter amplifiers are the most commonly used type of amplifier as they can have a very large voltage gain….
Amplifier Distortion
Amplifier Distortion can take on many forms such as Amplitude, Frequency and Phase Distortion due to Clipping. For a signal…
Source JFET Amplifier
Common Source JFET Amplifier uses junction field effect transistors as its main active device offering high input impedance characteristics. Transistor…
Emitter Amplifier
The most common amplifier configuration for an NPN transistor is that of the Common Emitter Amplifier circuit. In the previous…
An amplifier is an electronic device or circuit which is used to increase the magnitude of the signal applied to…
Transformer Voltage Regulation
Transformer voltage regulation is the ratio or percentage value by which a transformers output terminal voltage varies either up or…
Audio Transformer
Audio Transformers are designed for use in audio amplifier applications for coupling and impedance matching of amplifiers and speakers. As…
Three Phase Transformers
Three-phase Transformers are the backbone of electrical power distribution whether Delta or Star connected windings. Thus far we have looked…
The primary and secondary windings of an Autotransformer are linked together both electrically and magnetically reducing the cost over conventional…
Multiple Winding Transformers
Multiple Winding Transformers can have two or more primary or secondary winding allowing for different combinations of voltages and currents….
Transformers are electrical devices consisting of two or more coils of wire used to transfer electrical energy by means of…
Resistance of a Coil
All coils, inductors, chokes and transformers create a magnetic field around themselves consist of an Inductance in series with a…
Inductive Reactance
Inductive Reactance of a coil depends on the frequency of the applied voltage as reactance is directly proportional to frequency….
Inductance of a Coil
Inductance is the name given to the property of a component that opposes the change of current flowing through it…
Mutual Inductance
Mutual Inductance is the interaction of one coils magnetic field on another coil as it induces a voltage in the…
Inductors in Parallel
Inductors are said to be connected together in Parallel when both of their terminals are respectively connected to each terminal…
Inductors in Series
Inductors can be connected together in a series connection when the are daisy chained together sharing a common electrical current….
An Inductor is a passive electrical component consisting of a coil of wire which is designed to take advantage of…
Diode Limiter
The Diode Clipper, also known as a Diode Limiter, is a wave shaping circuit that takes an input waveform and…
Light Emitting Diodes or simply LED´s, are among the most widely used of all the different types of semiconductor diodes…
Zener Diode
A Semiconductor Diode blocks current in the reverse direction, but will suffer from premature breakdown or damage if the reverse…
Full Wave Rectifier
Power Diodes can be connected together to form a full wave rectifier that convert AC voltage into pulsating DC voltage…
Make a LED blink using Arduino
EDs (Light-emitting diode) can be found in many colors and sizes. This example shows the simplest thing you can do with…
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