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What is Electricity?

Electrical Principles: What is Electricity?#electricity #electrons #electrones #electromagnets #electromagnetism #magnets #starter #starting #wave #waveform #alternator #phase #phases #windings #winding #connections…

Phase Splitter
Posted in Learning

Phase Splitter

A phase splitter circuit produces two output signals that are equal in amplitude but opposite in phase from each other…

Three Phase Transformer
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Three Phase Transformers

Three-phase Transformers are the backbone of electrical power distribution whether Delta or Star connected windings. Thus far we have looked…

Resistance of a Coil
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Resistance of a Coil

All coils, inductors, chokes and transformers create a magnetic field around themselves consist of an Inductance in series with a…

Inductive Reactance
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Inductive Reactance

Inductive Reactance of a coil depends on the frequency of the applied voltage as reactance is directly proportional to frequency….